Testing How the Army Creates Heat With Water

one of the things have to do is to prop it up it says rock or something very specific instructions today we're going to see what happens if we intentionally misuse some MRE heaters [Music] [Applause] guys this is an MRE heater MREs are meals ready to eat its military or field rations and sometimes you want them warm and this is what you use to get it there to bring in an expert on this subject we have my friend Tyler who is in the military so Tyler tell us real quick what is an MRE and why do we want heaters for them an MRE is a meal ready to eat basically it is the modern field ration for the modern warfighter in like the Civil War and World War two you had to carry around cans of food which were quite heavy so the intent behind this was for it to be lightweight provide more calories for consumption as well as a warm meal for comforts sake here's the basic idea military meals are heated up by a small chemical reaction in a bag we want to try and take those bags open them up see what's inside and see what happens if we intentionally use them wrong so these were developed as a easy and generally safe way to heat the meals up I read some of the specifications for like what they have to be and it's like it has to be able to heat up a meal to a hundred degrees Fahrenheit within 10 minutes and to not pose a significant risk of fire or something like that and so this is the method if you've ever used those little hand warmers where you just open them it's full of iron powder which reacts with air turning into iron oxide exothermic reaction heats up it's very similar to that but it uses water instead of air and inside these little packets there is a combination of iron magnesium and salt those all combine and have a very similar exothermic reaction to those hand warmers it's just a little bit faster and a little bit hotter I think to start we're gonna look at the proper use of one of these heaters like eating at this meal yeah and then we'll go to the improper use which is gonna be a lot more fun well here we go here we got water it shows it's got lines at the bottom so you're just supposed to fill it up to these lines with water and then I think it just kind of squishes and all the water gets all over it so yeah you split to your meal next to the heater and then dump some water in it so normally I wouldn't even look at the line I would just add a certain amount of water from my canteen or water source I'd say I usually start with that I usually kind of squish the water around that might even be too much and then all try and seal it so it forces itself to be unsealed and then you set it on a rock or something so I'm just gonna add some water to this one and I'm not gonna add an MRE it's just gonna be I actually think I added too much water so yours will probably be a quicker demonstration so as the water starts reacting and it starts putting off heat it's not just putting off heat it's also creating hydrogen that's gonna take probably another few seconds to a minute before it actually starts doing anything but then it's going to balloon up quite a bit probably this is showing the cardboards at about a hundred Fahrenheit so definitely some heat this thing is showing up at 150 for a second Wow so we've now got steam is escaping out and around the bottom here but I'm curious honestly is this just steam or hydrogen said I believe this is actually hydrogen in the bag hydrogen generation oh cool staying burned now it's burning plastic I mean it was burning hydrogen too but the plastic actually caught on fire so usually what you do well it's heating is you eat all your other snacks and treats most of the food's gonna be fairly dry especially these vegetable crackers crackers fill the full cheese and stuff like that would you like some jalapeno cheese spread with your vegetable graphic that looks like it may not still be good like it's probably safe it's just doesn't look good so the jalapeno cheese spread might be one of the first things to expire taste just about as good as it normally does so we've got some napkins guys a towelette salt gum crushed red pepper so let's go with the main meal and at this point I would have finished all my snacks and I would now for that oh my goodness have a warm meal so for the main meal from got Mexican style chicken stew I just want to say I know that crazy Russian hacker has probably tested all these before but I haven't so Wow delicious meatballs I actually have too much flavoring and not enough water here that's supposed to be with 20 ounces of water this is only a 16.9 so probably gonna be a little too concentrated I've had worse chickens - right yeah it's just kind of like a chicken chili kind of stuff it's spicy [Music] I was kind of testing very carefully to see if it was gonna be too spicy no that's like as you said perfect perfect limit perfect heat alright so we're gonna be testing out the so called Tabasco bomb that is the source of pranks military on military soldier on soldier just in case it's actually intense and we don't want to subject ourselves to it we're gonna be doing it in this pot but then to scale it up because apparently we need to scale it down and scale it up we're gonna do several at once so we're just gonna have some saran wrap cling film over the lid of this pot and then we're gonna throw like three or four of them in here and see what they do and then maybe carefully open it and see if it's pepper spraying ourselves [Music] so while that's heating up and preparing to teargas us all what I wanted to try was to take all of the powder out of one of these measure out the appropriate amount of water and then mix it in and see what the reaction does if it's not in the containers okay yeah some of these do look like they're maybe on the verge of popping themselves open a little bit I'm curious how potent all right so I've measured out what should be about the right amount of water this is just all of the powder from one of those I'm gonna try and pour this into the middle to me honestly this seems like way too much water what is the chemicals here magnesium iron and salt okay so don't do this [Music] gently gently salty chemical paste but I am gonna go rinse up out of my mouth 54 compared to the rock that doesn't have that 48 oh I just hit 80 84 b5 maybe we did it wrong maybe but never be a victim or the perpetrator you never learned I took an entire bottle we could also just yeah drench one in Tabasco it's actually activating from the Tibet a little bit water activating it with Tabasco that's good I think we're I think we're probably there yeah you're right yep a little more intense now okay it doesn't mean my eyes I breathe in yeah and you just move off immediately is your Sinus I can open the door it's not like horrible you know you do you experience like being tear gassed right right so hold on oh we're near that level yeah so a lot of military branches at least I know for sure my experience in the Army is at basic training you go through the gas chamber [Music] yeah that's magnesium fire right there partly yeah also some other stuff there we go grape drink isn't that fun we've got four of the heating pads in one bag we're just gonna seal it then we're gonna cut a corner off of it and then we're going to add water into it and just see if we have one spout where all the steam and hydrogen comes out if we can make a good sort of mini flamethrower and away we go Oh [Applause] oh that is hot just it refills itself very quickly with more all right there you go I think it's starting to sew a little bit there we go ow okay nearly 200 not bad oh it's just burned along the edge yeah I think it's escaping now all right guys MRE heaters thanks to our friend Tyler for stopping by and sharing how they're normally used and joining in the fun of misusing them this whole idea was brought to you by reddit user muffin the bear so Thank You muffin and if there's anything else you would like to see us try with these MRE heaters please let us know and maybe we'll give it a try [Music] comment or when you eat apple pie yes or no what's the bestest I know what they're heard that no because it's nonsense guys that's it for today but you know we've always got more for to see hit that box up at the top to check out our most recent video and we'll see you the next one doctor then

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